We know, we know: Which room isn’t the dog room?
Our pups tend to run the house and love it. But a dog room, specifically, is a space your pal has to themselves. It’s a helpful place for owners, too—that way you don’t end up with treats in one room, leads in another room, outdoor gear in yet another room, and toys strewn everywhere like a chew-happy tornado just blew through.
If you’re lucky enough to have some extra space in your home, your furry friend would probably be pretty pumped if you made it into a place just for him. Here are some dog room ideas to get you started (although, yes, your house is probably gonna end up with toys all over the place no matter what).
Pick Your Dog Room Location
Where do you have a little extra space? The mud room makes sense for obvious reasons… same with the laundry room. But a corner of the basement, a section of the office—any of the above can work. It’s all in you and your dog’s shared vision, you know?
An under stairs dog room makes super efficient use of an area that’s otherwise wasted; it’s a real two-fur-one. Same goes for a nice walk-in closet.
Not working with a lot of space? Use a freestanding gate to create a dog room. Move it around where needed, and tuck it away when not in use. Whatever it is, wherever it is, it doesn’t have to be gigantic. Plenty of pups actually feel more comfortable in small spaces! It’s their own little den.
Organize Your Dog’s Sh*t
Next pup, it’s time to organize the space. Make use of wall hooks for leashes and jackets, boxes and bins for booties and bones. A big basket lets him keep all his toys in one place where he can see them when the urge to play strikes.
Look for labeled jars for different types of treats—and be sure to set up some shelves if your pup is the type to get a little nosy! Keep food and cleaning supplies either up high or in another space where doggo can’t get to it. Buy a dog-proof trash can for messes and spills.
You know your canine better than anyone, so make sure you’re taking into account his unique (and occasionally less than perfect) habits. If you’ve got a chewer or a shredder, stock the dog room with tough toys that can stand up to those chompers. There are indoor mats for diggers, snuffle mats for foragers, and soft stuff for dogs who get anxious.
Spruce Up the Digs
This is where your canine’s sense of style can really shine—like a quadrupedal Joanna Gaines. Pop an adorable doggy doormat in there, find the bed or pillow or crate (or combination bed/pillow/crate) that makes your dog feel comfy (and cute), and add some personalized décor!
Look for wall frames to display photos of you and pup palling around together, wall decals to spell out their name, and cute dog prints—not the paw kind, the art kind—to round out the room.
If this is a space you and your pup share, there’s all kinds of furniture that works for humans and canines. Look for crates that double as coffee tables, or pullout pet feeding stations with additional storage.
Include Special Dog Toys
Finally, it’s toy time! KONGs, treat balls, and puzzle toys are all great games that’ll keep your pup occupied and satisfied when they’re in their zone and you’re in yours. We’ve seen people accessorize their puppy play spaces with slides, stairs, even ball pits—whatever will make your hound feel like they’re starring in their own episode of Cribs.
(Actually, you can turn every day into their own episode of Cribs by getting a dog camera. Some fancier models even have two-way capabilities so the two of you can keep in touch throughout the day and treat dispensers so you can let him know he’s a very good boy.)
If you’re still not sure how to get started, there’s some great inspiration out there on Instagram—just search the #dogroom hashtag. People have done all kinds of cool stuff, like this creative space with hidden storage.
Featured photo: Prystai