Can Dogs Have Yogurt?

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Yogurt is not only a great treat for human beings but also a wonder food full of health benefits. These health benefits include improved gut health, strong immunity, and enhanced digestion and metabolism, among others. Because of these benefits, you might be wondering whether your dog can eat yogurt. 

Well, the short answer is yes; your dog can have yogurt. Some dogs love it. However, whether your dog can eat yogurt or not is dependent on your dog’s tolerance for dairy products and the type of yogurt in question.

Before diving more into giving your dog yogurt, let’s first explore what yogurt is, how it’s made, and its nutritional contents. 

More About Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product made through fermentation or acidifying milk with well-defined bacteria. These bacteria (S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus) create a thickened dairy product or rather yogurt. 

This product dates way back (around 5,000 BC), and has been consumed for over 7,000 years. Yogurt contains various nutrients such as protein, vitamins, calcium, and live culture, which can be beneficial to your dog. 

However, when it comes to feeding your puppy yogurt, you need to feed it plain yogurt as sweetened or flavored yogurt can cause serious harm to your dog!

Types of Yogurt to Feed Your Dog

Because of lactose intolerance, dogs cannot eat all types of yogurt. Below are a few types to feed your pup!

  • Traditional plain yogurt: Traditional plain yogurt is great for dogs as it is free of sweeteners. This type of yogurt is also high in protein and calcium  
  • Greek yogurt: Unlike other types of yogurt, Greek yogurt contains less lactose and more protein hence good for dogs 
  • Plain yogurt with fruits: Blueberries and strawberries are safe for dogs and adding them to your dog’s yogurt is a great alternative to artificial sugars and sweeteners
  • Dairy-free yogurt:  Dairy-free yogurts such as soy, almond, or coconut yogurt are good for dogs, especially lactose-intolerant ones.

Benefits of Giving Your Dog Yogurt 

Feeding your dog natural yogurt has several health benefits which include the following:

  • Essential nutrients
  • Probiotics  
  • Improved gut health
  • Cooling treat

Essential Nutrients

Natural yogurt contains essential nutrients such as protein and calcium. Protein is vital for body functions such as cell repair, muscle growth, and overall health. On the other hand, calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones. 


Yogurt is rich in two strains of microbes including Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. These micro bacteria help prevent various gut illnesses such as diarrhea thus enhancing your dog’s gut health. 

Improved Metabolism 

Probiotics in yogurt help prevent constipation and improve your dog’s metabolism. This leads to improved absorption of nutrients which is essential for the general wellbeing of your dog. 

Cooling Treat

When frozen, yogurt can serve as a cooling and refreshing treat for your dog during summer or hot weather. The frozen yogurt can cool and relieve your dog of the scorching heat. 

Risks Associated with Feeding Yogurt to Your Dog

While giving your dog yogurt has its benefits, it can also be risky for your dog. Some of the risks associated with your dog eating yogurt include: 

  • Health Issues
  • Toxic Xylitol
  • Lactose intolerance

Dog eating yogurt (Image Source: Pexels)

Health Issues

Yogurt, especially the sweetened types, has high sugar content which can make your dog have rapid weight gain and other health issues such as diabetes. To avoid this risk, ensure that you give your dog plain yogurt without artificial sweeteners. 

Toxic Xylitol

According to a report by Dr. Thomas, yogurt may contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. Even small amounts of this chemical are fatal to dogs and you must ensure that the yogurt you feed your dog is xylitol-free.

Lactose Intolerance

For lactose-intolerant dogs, yogurt can lead to various health complications or even death. Check on signs such as diarrhea, bloating, gas, and vomiting to ascertain whether your dog is lactose intolerant. 

Alternative Treats to Give Your Dog

In most instances, the dog treats sold in dog food retail shops are unhealthy for your dog. To ensure full control over what your dog eats, you can give your dog various DIY treats. Here are a few of them and the procedure to make them!

1. Frozen Popsicles

Just like humans who love popsicles for their refreshment on a hot day, dogs too love them for the same reason. Here is how to make frozen popsicles for your dog


  • 1 large cup of low-salt chicken broth
  • Water in a medium-sized cup
  • Popsicle molds
  • Treat sticks

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  • Mix your low-salt chicken broth with water
  • Add the mixture to the popsicle molds
  • Add the treat sticks to the popsicle mold, broth, and water mixture
  • Put the mixture in the freezer to make frozen popsicles 

2. Frozen Watermelon

Watermelon treat is a healthy and easy-to-make dog treat. Below is how to make a frozen watermelon treat for your puppy. 


  • 3 cups seedless chopped watermelon
  • 1/2 spoon natural honey 

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  • Blend the seedless chunks of watermelon
  • Taste to determine whether to add natural honey
  • Add natural honey if it’s too tart
  • Re-blend to make a smooth and uniform mixture
  • Pour the watermelon and natural honey mixture into molds or ice cube tray
  • Put the mixture in the freezer until it is frozen 

3. Frozen Carrots 

Frozen carrots are good for your dog as they provide vital minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and beta-carotene. Carrots also contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. 


  • 2 Shredded cooked carrots 
  • 1/2 medium cup bone broth 

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  • Mix the shredded cooked carrots with the bone broth 
  • Blend the mixture until it is smooth
  • Pour mixture into silicone molds or ice cube trays
  • Put the mixture in the freezer and let it freeze for a minimum of 4 hours
  • Once frozen, they’ll be ready to give to your dog

Greek Yogurt for Dog (Image Source: Unsplash)


Yogurt can be an awesome treat for your dog. It offers various benefits that can leave your puppy bouncy and playful all day. Of course, you don’t want a dog that is gloomy all day. However, make sure to track how your dog reacts to yogurt treats as these treats can cause discomfort, especially for dogs that are lactose intolerant. 

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