[UPDATE 1/12/21] After 30 years, pibbles are allowed to grace Aurora with their blockhead presence. The measure passed in its second City Council reading and goes into effect in 30 days. Show us your pitties, Aurora!
[UPDATE 12/23/20] Good news, pups! The Council passed the repeal 7-3 on first reading. We’re not celebrating just yet, but this means it’s likely the ban will be repealed in full on second reading Jan 11. If that happens, the repeal takes effect 30 days after that.
“Efforts to repeal the ban have been underway for a few years, but recent changes to the Animal Code opened the door to its success,” says City Councilmember Allison Hiltz. “The new dangerous/potentially dangerous provisions shift the focus away from breed specific legislation onto specific behaviors and responsible pet ownership.”
We’ll keep you pup to date, but in the meantime, keep letting your Council Members know how important this is to you and your family.
[UPDATE 12/9/20] Code 14-75 has moved out of Study Session and is on Council agenda for Dec. 21.
The following City Council members support the issue. Contact them to thank them and remind them why the effort matters to you:
- Alison Coombs
acoombs@auroragov.org - Allison Hiltz
ahiltz@auroragov.org - Juan Marcano
jmarcano@auroragov.org - Crystal Murillo
These Council members are open to bringing the issue to a vote. Let them know you want a repeal now. Bringing the issue to a vote will cost the City more money on bad legislation.
- Curtis Gardner
cgardner@auroragov.org - Nicole Johnston
njohnsto@auroragov.org - Angela Lawson
And lastly, these members are against repealing the ordinance. Please share your input with them. Email example here if needed.
- Marsha Berzins
mberzins@auroragov.org - Dave Gruber
dgruber@auroragov.org - Francoise Bergan
[UPDATE 12/1/20] Repealing Code 14-75 (and ending Aurora’s pit bull ban fur good) has been moved to a Council Study Session on Dec. 7 and could be voted on that night.
Email City Council members between now and Dec. 7 to let them know how important this issue is to you.
- Angela Lawson
alawson@auroragov.org - Curtis Gardner
cgardner@auroragov.org - Nichole Johnston
njohnsto@auroragov.org - Francois Bergen
fbergan@auroragov.org - Marsha Berzins
The recent landslide vote to end the pit bull ban in Denver has reinvigorated the folks behind End Aurora BSL, who’ve been organizing and advocating for more than a year. With 2J passing, Aurora is now the second-biggest BSL city in Colorado and makes up 62% of all remaining BSL territory per capita.
What is BSL?

Bull Shit Breed Specific Legislation is a blanket term for laws that restrict or ban the ownership of certain breeds thought to be dangerous. In Aurora, the ban requires any dog 51% or more of American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or American Pit Bull Terrier to be removed from the City or killed. BSL has torn families apart and led to thousands of lovable doggos crossing the rainbow bridge for no good reason.
How To Support End Aurora BSL
“BSL limits the ability for responsible owners to get socialization, training, insurance, and sometimes veterinary care for their animals,” says End Aurora BSL organizer Bryon Taylor. “By repealing BSL, we are opening the door to enforcing responsible ownership to owners who may have ended up here not knowing about the ban or perhaps didn’t realize the breed structure of the pup they were rescuing.”
End Aurora BSL believes they have secured the votes to repeal BSL (Code 14-75) provided a dangerous dog ordinance be passed prior to repeal. That ordinance passed and repealing Code 14-75 is back on the agendog. Here’s what you can doo:
- Contact End Aurora BSL through their website or Facebook page to volunteer.
- Sign this petition.
- Email City Council members between now and Nov. 16 to let them know how important this issue is.
- Angela Lawson
alawson@auroragov.org - Curtis Gardner
cgardner@auroragov.org - Nichole Johnston
njohnsto@auroragov.org - Francois Bergen
fbergan@auroragov.org - Marsha Berzins
Subscribe to our newsletter and join our Dog-Friendly Denver Facebook Group to stay up to date as the repeal progresses.
Has your family been affected by BSL? Bark at us in the comments.
Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, then join our Dog-Friendly Denver Facebook Group.