9 Puzzle Toys to Work Those Puppin’ Brains

Yes, we know they’re always smiling and wagging their tails and stuff. And we hate to break this to you, but they, too, are bored as pup rn. As much as they’ve enjoyed binging each episode of every sitcom from the 90s with you, these last 6 months have not been the most thrilling for our canine frens either. Pick up some of these puzzle toys for dogs to add some excitement to your pooch’s daily nap schedule.

Puzzle Toys Fur Everypuppy

1. This sturdy, Saturn-shaped treat dispenser that your pup’ll think is outta this world.

Get it on Amazon for $12.99.

2. This giant and *highly engaging* snuffle mat that dogs love so much one reviewer said it saved her dog from having to worry about an evil thunderstorm!

Get it on Amazon for $34.19.

3. This fetchable, catchable food dispenser that can interlock with other sizes for a customizable treato experience.

Get it on Amazon for $21.87.

Puzzle Toys Fur Next Level Puzzlers

4. This crazy dog tornado that features four levels of interactive finding fun for intermediate puzzle-solvers.

Get it on Amazon for $15.99.

5. This puzzling dog brick with 3 different snacc obtainment methods (v precise).

Get it on Amazon for $14.32.

6. This slide-y brainteaser made of a real wood composite with no removable parts.

Get it on Amazon for $19.99.

Puzzle Toys Fur Dog Geniuses

7. This pupper casino featuring twisty bones that release *entire drawers* of noms (like a slot machine…only more delicious).

Get it on Amazon for $14.99.

8. This treat-dispensing twister perfect for the high-energy dog who wants to prove he’s got brains, too.

Get it on Amazon for $18.25.

9. This interactive multipuzzle that tbh we’re not even sure some of our human friends could figure out.

Get it on Amazon for $29.99.

Woof to the wise: be sure to supervise doggo’s puzzling! A frustrated fren is bound to resort to the chompers, so play with these toys together and build your bond while workin’ those brains.

What’s your pup’s favorite puzzle? Woof at us in the comments and tag #SidewalkDog in all those cute playtime photos.

P.S. If you make a purchase via our Amazon links, Sidewalk Dog may earn a tiny affiliate commission. Supporting Sidewalk Dog supports the work we do for rescues and shelters. ♥

(Photo by Photology1971)

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