Paw-sitive Summer: Essential Pet Care Tips for Hot Weather

two dogs running on the beach
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When summer temperatures soar, our pets count on us to keep them safe and comfortable. Just like humans, pets can suffer from heatstroke and dehydration, so it’s important to take extra precautions during hot weather. A good start is to create a cool, shady spot for them to relax, away from direct sunlight. Keep your home well-ventilated, and make sure they always have access to fresh, cool water.

Beat the Heat: Hydration and Cool Spaces

To keep your furry friend hydrated, set up multiple water stations around your home. A simple trick like this can prevent dehydration, especially on the hottest days. You can also add cooling mats to your pet’s favorite spots—these are great for providing instant relief from the heat.

If you notice your pet seems restless or uncomfortable, it might be a sign that they’re overheating. For pets with thick fur or flat faces, the heat can be especially tough, so it’s vital to monitor them closely. Avoid outdoor activities during midday, when the sun is at its peak. Instead, opt for early morning or late evening walks when the temperature is cooler.

a woman lying on the grass with her dog

Nutrition for Summer

During the summer, you may want to tweak your pet’s diet slightly. Foods with high water content, like cucumber or watermelon, can help keep your pet hydrated. However, introduce new foods slowly to avoid upsetting their stomach. For any changes in their diet, it’s always a good idea to consult your vet for guidance.

Sun Protection for Pets

Pets have limited ways to cool themselves down. Dogs pant and cats lick their fur to cool off through evaporation, but that’s not always enough in extreme heat. To keep them safe from sunburn and heatstroke, provide plenty of shade and fresh water. If you’re outside for long periods, consider using pet-friendly sunscreen on sensitive areas like their ears and nose.

Adjusting Outdoor Activities

Plan your pet’s outdoor time wisely—early mornings and late evenings are best. Avoid walking your dog on hot pavement, as it can burn their paws. A simple test: if the ground is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws. And never leave your pet in a parked car, even for a quick errand, as temperatures inside can skyrocket dangerously fast.

Keep the Air Flowing

Fans can be a lifesaver for pets when it’s too warm indoors. They circulate air and help lower the temperature in stuffy rooms. Place fans in areas where your pet tends to hang out. If you have air conditioning, keeping a consistent cool temperature will do wonders for their comfort. If not, a portable AC unit can make all the difference in creating a cool space for your pet.

a brown dog on the sand

Final Thoughts

Keeping your pet cool and hydrated during the summer is key to ensuring their well-being. Whether it’s setting up shaded retreats, laying out cooling mats, or simply making sure they have plenty of water, these small actions can have a big impact on your pet’s comfort and health during the hottest months.

Mia Wilson is passionate about all things home and pet care. With her background in marketing and a love for animals, she shares practical advice on keeping your pets happy and your home comfortable through every season. Check out her latest tips and tricks for home improvement and pet care, including where to find the best IKEA sofa covers in Canada.   


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