Live Music, Ice Cream, and Yoga: Oh My!

Summer is officially here, and your #1 pup has been mappin’ out his fave hangs and canceling your weekend plans. Next time try a stronger password than his name cuz he guessed it immediately. It’s time to sniff out a few things to do in Chicago this weekend with your woofer.

P.S. Don’t miss a single weekly event again! Pupscribe to our newsletter here.
P.P.S. Our Patio Leash™ is grrreat for outings and adventures of all shapes and smells.

1. Dog Yoga

Clock Tower Cafe, Chicago
Saturday, June 4, 10–11 a.m.; suggested $10 donation

Down dog, up dog, and stretch it out with your dog at the Clock Tower Cafe during dog yoga this weekend, hosted by Chicago Pet Club. You’ll want to bring your own mat, a leash, and toys. Get ready to say ohhhh, bigggg stretchhhh and have a heckin’ good time.

2. Live Like Roo Ice Cream Social

Canine Crews, Chicago
Saturday, June 4, 12–2 p.m.

Have a ruff week and need a treat? Head to Canine Crews for a dog ice cream eating contest courtesy of Arrfscarf (adorable), frozen treats for you, and playtime in their fenced-in yard. Proceeds from sales benefit Live Like Roo, a nonprofit that supports pets and families through cancer diagnoses. 

3. Do Division Street Fest

Division Street between Damen and Leavitt, Chicago
Friday, June 3, 5–10 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday, June 4–5, 12–10 p.m.; optional $10 donation

Get ready to do the Do with your dog! Do Division Street Fest is back over 3 days with 2 live music stages, vendors, and plenty of food and drink. The festival warns of hot temperatures and crowded streets, so only bring your brave, well-behaved buds (on leash) and plan to leave before 7 p.m. when it gets really packed. 

4. PorchFest

Between Grace to Wolfram and Ravenswood to Racine, Chicago
Sunday, June 5, 1–5 p.m.; tickets required

Chicago loves live music at street festivals, but PorchFest takes it a step further. Stroll down residential blocks and take in musicians performing on 15 front porches throughout Lakeview. This event is perfect for introducing your pup to live music in a low-key environment. Many event veterans bring lawn chairs and camp out in front of their fave acts, so there’s lots of scritches in store! 

No pupper in your life yet? Get a heckin’ dog already! 

If you live in a world without tail-wags—what a heckin’ tragedy—check out these Chicago adoption events!

The Anti-Cruelty Society

  • Our pals over at The Anti-Cruelty Society are showin’ some love for the big woofs and floofs by waiving their adoption fees through June 5 for dogs over 40lbs! You can check out all the adoptable pups on their website here—and who knows? You may even find the new ruv of your life.

PAWS Chicago

  • This Sunday, June 5, take in some re-tail therapy for a great cause with the Angels with Tails Gold Coast Adoption Event. From 12–4 p.m., around 30 boop-tiques and retailers in Chicago’s luxury shopping district will open their storefronts to homeless pets. Grab a cup of coffee and stroll the sidewalks of Rush Street, Oak Street, and Delaware Place for a walking tour of furry faces. Click here for more info and a map of participating businesses. Wanna plan ahead? Adoptable animals will be flagged “AWT Gold Coast” a few days before the event on the PAWS website.

Sniff out more events on our calendar and submit your own events here. And don’t furget to tag us @SidewalkDog in pics of your tail-waggin’ weekend!

Featured photo: Sebastian Coman Travel

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, and join our Dog-Friendly Chicago Facebook Group.


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