How To Teach A Dog To Play Dead

a white dog is laying on the wood floor inside
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Haveyou ever seen someone point a finger at their dog and say “Bang!”? And did you then watch as their dog fell over? Did you halfway wonder if their dog was still alive or not? Dogs can act pretty realistically at times. Such a trick is definitely an attention-grabber for pet owners, and it’s a commonly used trick for dog performance acts.

In fact, playing dead is one of the most popular “fun tricks” that you can teach your dog. Although commands like “sit” and “stay” are extremely important, most dogs are smart enough to learn some fun tricks as well!

Why not take advantage of your dog’s cuteness and intelligence and surprise your friends at your next get-together?

Here are some simple ways to teach your dog to play dead.  

 How Can Your Dog Play Dead?

It’s easier to teach your dog to play dead if they’ve first mastered the “lie down” command. If you haven’t yet taught your dog basic commands, there are plenty of great training tips out there for new dog owners.

The basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “heel,” and “lie down” are great to start with and should give you and your dog a firm beginning towards learning other tricks.  

If your dog already knows the basic commands, you’re ready to begin! Before you get started with your training session, there are a couple of things you’ll need to have nearby.

  • Treats: Treats are a must when starting any training session. You’ll need to reward your dog when they complete each stage of the trick according to your command. Make sure you choose a reward your dog really likes!
  • Clicker: Clicker training is an effective way to train dogs. If your dog is used to hearing the clicker sound when you’re praising him, this is a great way to teach playing dead.
  • Fido: Don’t forget the dog! It’ll be hard to teach tricks without your key player!

Begin Training Your Dog To Play Dead

Once you know your dog is trained to follow simple commands and you have all the necessary supplies at the ready, it’s time for the actual work. Pick a quiet place in your home or yard that is free from distractions. Have the treats and clicker at the ready. Be sure to keep the treats out of reach of Fido. Then follow these steps:

1. Start From a Down Position

    Your dog needs to know the “lie down” command. If your dog doesn’t already know it, you should first try to teach it to lie down.

    2. Say the Command

      Once your dog is lying down, you can then say the command. Decide beforehand which command you want to use. “Play dead” and “Bang” are popular options, but it’s important to be consistent with whichever command you choose.

      a little girl outside with her white dog

      3. Reward the Behavior

        Once your dog is lying down and you have said the command, you can then give him a treat. Repeat the steps several times in a row, or as long as your dog has patience. If your dog masters the trick quickly and is still attentive, you can add additional steps.

        Add a Clicker

        Once your dog is lying down and you’ve given the command, say “yes” or “good” and click the clicker. Then, reward your dog with a treat.

        Add a Training Cue

        You can also add a specific training command after your dog has mastered the process of lying down. Some people choose to start with the commands at first, while others wait until after their dog has successfully completed several times of lying down. Either way, once your dog has mastered lying down, this is a great time to add a hand cue to the steps. Say the command, use the hand signal, and place a treat on the ground beside your dog. After your dog lies down, he gets the treat.

        Eventually, once your dog has fully mastered the command and hand cue, you can wait to give the treat until your dog “recovers” from being dead.

        Another Way To Teach Your Dog To Play Dead

        There are several different ways to teach your dog to play dead. Don’t give up if you try the above steps and it doesn’t work. Sometimes, you need to try a different way in order to teach your dog tricks. After all, just like people, what may work for one dog may not necessarily work for another. Here’s another option:

        When Your Dog Is Tired

         A great way to teach your dog this trick is when it’s already tired and ready to sleep. Your dog does need to know the “down” cue beforehand for this to work.

        1.  Ask your dog to “down” or “lie down” and kneel in front of it with an offered treat.
        2. Hold the treat at the side of your dog’s head and move it back towards its shoulder. Your tired and sleepy dog should then fall over in the attempt to get the treat. 
        3. Firmly say the command of “play dead” or “bang,” or whichever word or phrase you’ve chosen.
        4. Allow the dog to have the treat.

        When Your Dog Is Already Lying Down

        If your dog doesn’t already know the “lie down” command, but you still want to teach him to play dead, you have other options.

        Wait until you see your dog already lying down, then loudly give your command of “play dead” and offer a treat. If you do this enough times, your dog will come to recognize the command with a treat. And your dog will eventually fall to her side when you say the command.

        More Dramatic Steps

        You can also teach your dog to roll over on its back instead of its side. This can be much more dramatic than just falling to the side. The steps are similar to the regular ones, with a few additions.

        two dogs playing outside in the grass
        1. When your dog is lying down, you can offer the treat on the other side of your dog’s head.
        2. Allow your dog to sniff the treat until it rolls over to get it.
        3. Or you can pull your dog gently over to the side yourself, after offering the treat of course.

        Final Thoughts

        Remember to have patience when working with your dog. And always have plenty of treats on hand. Don’t get frustrated with your dog if he doesn’t master the trick immediately. You may just need to try a different training style or use a different step.

        Whichever steps you choose, be sure to stay consistent, have patience, and reward your beloved furry friend. Before you know it, you’ll soon have your dog falling down at “Bang!”

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