¿Se admiten perros en Home Depot?

dog at home improvement store

La misión de Sidewalk Dog es ayudar a los padres de perros a pasar más tiempo con sus cachorros descubriendo y compartiendo actividades que pueden hacer y lugares a los que pueden ir, ¡juntos! Eche un vistazo a nuestro galardonado boletín y Instagramy visítenos en Facebook y Twitter.

We know Fido is your best friend, soulmate, and project supervisor. He keeps a close eye on your performance through all your DIY projects, like attempting to build a fence to keep him in the yard. With every project comes MULTIPLE trips to Home Depot, and it has us wondering, can floof come along for this part of the project too? Because let’s be honest, he’ll probably have many opinions about which type of wood fencing he wants to pee on, and he deserves to give that input.  That’s why we’re spillin’ the kibble on the pet policy at Home Depot, tips for bringing your dog into the store, and more! 

Home Depot Pet Policy

The official pet policy of Home Depot is a little elusive. A pet policy isn’t outlined on their website, and calls and emails requesting this information weren’t returned. Our readers tell us most stores near them allow leashed dogs, whether service or otherwise, happily into the stores. Specifically in the greater Seattle area, we can confirm that the Southcenter, Bellevue, West Seattle and Lander locations are all dog-friendly. If you’re headed to a store not on the above list, we suggest ringing them up to double check. 

3 Tips for Bringing Your Pup to Home Depot

We don’t want to mess with a good thing, and getting to bring your dog shopping with you is a v good thing. Sniff out these tips and tricks to make sure everypuppy has a good hardware store experience. 

1. Keep Pup Leashed

Keep your pupper on the leash at all times. This should be a no-brainer, but we had to say it! Remember, just because your dog is a perfect angel bb doesn’t mean she needs to be in anyone else’s business. Keeping your princess on a short leash is the neighborly thing to do!

Pssst…our exclusive Patio Leash is a little shorter to keep pup by your side, and clips to the table if you’re going for brewskis after your big shopping trip.

2. Avoid Accidents

I don’t know about you, but a Home Depot trip can be akin to a Target trip–you think you only need one thing, but three hours later you’re still shopping and your cart is FULL! Anticipate your tiny tot’s bladder control, and empty it before heading in. Never forget your poop bags. They make extra trendy carriers these days.

3. Bring Treats

There’s a LOT going on at Home Depot. If fluffer is anxious or overwhelmed, he may act a fool. Keep training treats close at hand to redirect your pup when needed.

Woof to the wise: The kind humans in orange will often offer to give your dog a treat. Be sure to thank them; the angels buy ’em themselves because they love your dog so much.

More Saving, More Doing, More Woofing

Remember to call and double check with your local Home Depot on their specific pet policies, as they can change store to store. And if they are dog-friendly, read through our above tips and tricks to make sure you’re prepped and ready for a successful outing with your best furriend. 

Does your local Home Depot allow dogs in the store? If so, pawlease drop the location in the comments. Happy projects!

Featured photo: Dogs of Home Depot

Si usted hace una compra a través de nuestros enlaces de afiliados, Sidewalk Dog puede ganar una pequeña comisión de afiliado. Apoyar a Sidewalk Dog apoya el trabajo que hacemos para rescates y refugios.♥Todos los productos estaban disponibles y los precios eran correctos en el momento de la publicación.

Más lecturas que ruv:

  1. Took our dog to Hamilton, Ohio Home Depot. They are great. They gave him a treat and took his picture for the “dog wall”. I would say they are ok with it.

  2. Went to my Home Depot today that I have taken my dog to in the past. There was a sign up that said service dogs/animals only.
    Lake Zurich Illinois

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