2020 may be an actual trash fire, but new dogs are having the best year ever. Everypawdy and their ma got a new dog this year. We sniffed out 9 perfect gifts for new dog parents. Check out our picks for useful (and of course adorable) prezzies for the new good boy or girl in your life.
1. A doggo first aid kit that is both v cool and fashionable.
Get it on Amazon for $32.90.
2. A deshedding tool that removes more loose dog hair than you knew your dog even had (sorcery).
Get it on Amazon for $33.95.
3. A stylish and secure leash you can hook to a patio chair or table without unhooking it (so that retractable can go to doggy heaven where it belongs).
Get it from yours drooly for $23.00.
4. …And a martingale collar so the prong can go right to doggy h*ck.
Get it on Amazon for $11.99-13.99.
5. An Easy Walk harness to help those noobz walk their pulling pups with…well, *ease*.
Get it on Amazon for $29.99.
6. A 2-pack of KONG Classics so your friend can always have one in the freezer.
Get ‘em on Amazon for $23.69.
7. A slow feeder to make meal time safe, fun, and longer than 6 seconds.
Get it on Amazon for $19.99.
8. A rug cleaner that is somehow more effective than the giant rental machines (pure magic, truly).
Get it on Amazon for $239.90.
9. And a washable orthopedic dog bed to prepare the new pawrent for the jarring realization that is understanding how frequently dogs throw up on these things.
Get it on Amazon for $29.99.
10. A BarkBox pupscription to shower them with prezzies throughout the year.
What other prezzies would you pick out for new dog parents? Let us know in the comments!
Get it from BarkBox for $25/month 12-month subscription or $22/month for a 6-month subscription. AND get an extra month for free here.
P.D. Si usted hace una compra a través de nuestros enlaces de Amazon, Sidewalk Dog puede ganar una pequeña comisión de afiliación. Apoyando a Sidewalk Dog apoyas el trabajo que hacemos para rescates y refugios. ♥
(Photo by Eric Ward)
La misión de Sidewalk Dog es ayudar a los padres de perros a pasar más tiempo con sus cachorros descubriendo y compartiendo actividades que pueden hacer y lugares a los que pueden ir, ¡juntos! Eche un vistazo a nuestro galardonado boletín y Instagramy visítenos en Facebook y Twitter.