How Do You Know If Your Dog Loves You?

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As a dog owner, you’ve probably wondered, “how do you know if your dog loves you”. If your dog loves you or if they just see you as their source of food and occasional belly rubs, there are signs. The truth is that the human-dog relationship is special and has evolved over centuries.

We share this special bond with almost no other animal, and if you’re observant, you can see the signs that your dog loves you. But in case you missed it, this article discusses those telltale signs you should look out for.

dog shows affection

What Are The Signs Your Dog Loves You? 

Dogs are perfectly capable of feeling and expressing love and affection, and it’s been proven scientifically. Of course, they don’t speak human language, and their body language may differ from ours. But if you notice the following signs, it means your dog loves you.

signs your dog loves you


There’s hardly more significant evidence that your dog loves you than how excited they become when they see you. You’ll see their face light up, and they start wagging their tails. With time, they even recognize your name, the tone of your voice, and your footsteps; these alone become enough to trigger excitement in them.

Physical Contact 

Dogs love physical contact. It’s how they show affection. This is why your dog will always seek close contact with you, whether by curling up beside you on the couch or lying or sitting at your feet.


You might have noticed that your dog licks you whenever you’re around him. It’s their version of giving a kiss. Not everyone likes this gesture, but at least now you know why they do it to you. And if you don’t like it, you can train your dog to stop doing that.


Another beautiful way dogs express love is by making eye contact with people and giving their attention. This sincere act is your dog’s way of bonding with you. (We discuss the science behind this later in this article). Your dog will also seek reassurance from you by making eye contact whenever they feel vulnerable or nervous, showing how much they’ve come to trust you. 

How do you know if your dog loves you

Toy Sharing

Your dog will share their favorite toys with you if they love you. This isn’t just them telling you they want to play—it’s their way of showing affection. Sometimes, your dog brings their toy to you as a gift, showing they trust you with their most prized possessions. 


One endearing dog behavior is how they can sense when their owner is ill, injured, sad or in need of comfort and company. Your dog will stay by your side in those moments and rarely leave. And if they do, for any reason, they’ll make sure to come and check in on you frequently to be sure you’re okay. They’ll also take up the responsibility of “protecting” you in those vulnerable moments.

How Do Dogs Feel That You Love Them?

Because dogs can feel emotions like love, it also means they can pick up on the emotions you’re giving back to them. But how do you know if your dog can feel the love you show it? You can tell by how they reciprocate the love in their actions. They will display behaviors like those we already mentioned above.

Celebrate Your Dog

You must understand that just like humans, dogs also love feeling special. Dog owners should learn to pamper their dogs regularly. For example, your dog will love it if you throw an elaborate birthday party for them. It strengthens their assurance that they are part of the family since other members of the pack (family) also get birthday parties and gifts.

Each birthday is an opportunity to get a special gift for your dog. When it comes to dog gifts you can purchase something simple like dog toys, bowls, and snacks. Or you can pick something unique and extraordinary like a dog blanket, outfit or a custom pet portrait.

How do I tell my dog I love them

Provide Personal Space

As an important family member, your dog should have their personal corner. Set up a space where they can retreat and call their territory. Smell is huge for animals and dogs will use it as a primary way to communicate with you and other animals. When your dog has their own space within your home that smells like them, they feel more confident and comfortable.

You can also personalize the space by adding their food bowl and most prized toys and possessions. If you’re considering a portrait, it will show your dog that they’re truly part of the family. Dog portraits aren’t just for customizing your dog’s space; they also serve as functional home decorations.

Give Your Dog a Sense of Belonging

Giving your dog a sense of belonging is one of the best ways to show your love. This is because dogs are pack animals by nature, so it matters that they feel accepted by the pack, and especially by the leader of the pack, you. Here’s a few ways to do this:

Prioritize Quality Time

One important way to bond with your dog is to spend time with them regularly. It’s not about creating new adventures or doing something exciting, but just giving them your time and attention. Simple activities like playing fetch together, taking a walk to the park, or just snuggling up in bed or on the couch are enough. 

dog sign of affection

Positive Reinforcement

To interpret humans, dogs depend a lot on body language and facial expressions.Another important sign of affection for them is when you give them genuine, warm smiles, ear rubs, big hugs, and belly rubs. Even though dogs interpret non-verbal cues more, they also appreciate verbal praise and can interpret the tone of your voice.


Some good ways to pamper your dog include occasionally giving them special treats or toys, throwing birthday parties, getting pet portraits featuring your dog, or anything that focuses entirely on your dog. We all know that most dogs are attention-seeking divas.


There is overwhelming evidence to support that your dog loves you, and that’s the beautiful thing about the human-dog relationship. Dogs can receive and reciprocate the love and affection we show them. 

Now, you know those special treats, belly rubs, and ear scratching don’t go unnoticed by your dog. There’s a reason they’re called man’s best friend after all. What are the ways your dog shows affection towards you?

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