For One Day Only, You Can Adopt a Minneapolis Shelter Pet For Free

On Friday, Nov. 22, you can walk into Minneapolis Animal Care & Control (MACC) with a collar ‘n leash and walk out with the good boy or girl of your dreams. That’s right, these dogs and cats will have FREE adoption fees Friday! It’s MACC’s Clear the Shelters event, an effort to get all the fluffers home by Turkey Day so we can be grateful for ’em already.

Woof to the wise: you’ll have to bring a little cash to cover the dog ($30) or cat ($15) license. But we’re still calling it the deal of a lifetime.

MACC will be open for adoptions from 1-6 p.m. Friday, and it’s located 212 17th Ave. N. in Minneapolis (here’s a map). Zoomie on over and make it official, OK? And for the love of dog, tag #SidewalkDog so we can congratulate you.

(Photo by Helena Lopes)

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