7 Colorado Dog-Friendly Hikes to Woof Home About

Doggo ready to dust off the ol’ Fitbit and hit the trail? Colorado has a pupload of amazing and accessible trails, so we picked the most woof-derful Colorado dog-friendly hikes. If your floofer needs a little trail manners refresher before heading out, be sure to check out our Good Dog’s Guide to Hiking Etiquette. OK, on to the good stuff.

1. Upper Dog Loop – Red Rock Canyon Open Space

For v. good boys and girls, the off-leash Upper Dog mile loop gives pup an opportunity to strut her stuff near Garden of the Dogs. When doggo finishes the loop, leash up to wander the rest of the area, which winds through canyons and red rock ridges. Make room on your phone, bc pup’ll be asking you to take so many pics.

2. Green Mountain Trail

Head out to Boulder fur this hiker’s heaven. Although Green Mountain Trail is slightly challenging (strong pooches only, please!), the summit’s panoramic view of the flatirons is worth the journey.

3. Bear Creek Trail

With the variety of trails offered in Lair O’ the Bear Park near Morrison (just 30 minutes from Denver!), you and your furry friend will stay entertained for hours. Our favorite is Bear Creek Trail, emphasis on creek. Just remember to leash up before you go since it’s not an off-leash trail.

4. Mary Carter Greenway Trail

Short on time? Don’t wanna go too vertical? Head to the Mary Carter Greenway Trail (AKA the Arapahoe Greenway) near Littleton for an 8-mile stretch along the South Platte River. The nicely crushed stone path is mostly flat (great for smol fries w/ short legs) and won’t be rough your pooch’s sensitive paws. Though you won’t reach the peak of any mountain on this trail, you will see majestic skyline views of downtown Denver the entire time.

5. Apex Trail

Golden offers unlimited opportunities for outdoor adventure, but we picked Apex Trail (sometimes known as Apex Park Enchanted Forest Trail) as our top contender. This 4.7-mile hike generally takes about four hours to complete with Fido in tow (or maybe she’s pulling you!) and is meant for only fit and experienced hikers no matter how many legs you have.

6. Meadowlark Plymouth Creek and Plymouth Mountain Trail Loop 

If you’re looking for a moderately challenging hike with sweeping views of the foothills, prairie, and Denver skyline, head to Meadowlark Plymouth Creek and Mountain Trail Loop. Located in in Deer Creek Canyon Park, avid doggie rock climbers will ruv the rocky 6-mile trail and 1300-foot elevation gain. Be sure to keep your dog leashed, as you may encounter wildlife, and pack water. For dogs with boundless energy, make it a day adventure and head to the off-leash area at nearby Chatfield State Park.

7. Evergreen Lake Trail

We love that Colorado offers abundant panoramas of the Rockies, but we also dig lake views. Evergreen Lake Trail offers both. It’s an easy 1.4-mile gravel trail, pawfect for scorching summer days, senior woofs, and kiddos. There’s plenty of room for meandering (on leash of course) dogs who like to take their time to explore all the new smells and sights. Pack a picnic lunch, snacc for doggo, and soak in the scenery at the Visitor’s Center.

Have a favorite Colorado hike we missed? Woof at us in the comments.

Featured photo: Andreas Wagner

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, then join our Dog-Friendly Denver Facebook Group.



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