2022 Guide to Minnesota Ice Sculptures for Snow Pups

Seasoned Minnesota pups know that winter is not just about surviving…it’s about thriving! Sure, we may have ice, wind, and subzero temps, but snow what?! There’s loads of frosty fun for us to get our paws on. Sniff out these five dog-friendly Minnesota ice sculptures and winter events. 

1. Art Shanty Projects, Minneapolis

From Jan. 15-Feb. 6, the frozen water of Bde Unma is home to the engaging performances and interactive art experiences of Art Shanty Projects. The event features the world’s only wearable ArtCar and ArtBike Parade on ice, flash mobs, fro-gahhh (frozen yoga for the newbies), hula hooping, and daily dancing. This vibrant, colorful winter festival lasts four weekends, so there’s no excuse to not attend!

2. SocialICE, Rochester 

Head to Rochester March 3-5 for some afternoon, fluffy-friendly fun at SocialICE. Downtown transforms into an icy oasis with uniquely themed ice bars, vibrantly illuminated ice sculptures, and a live DJ every night to help your pup get out her zoomies. This weekend-warrior event is going on its 14th year, and best of all—it’s FREE!

3. Saint Paul Winter Carnival, Saint Paul

The 2022 Saint Paul Winter Carnival, which commences on Jan. 28 and runs through  Feb. 6, has so many events and activities to sniff out that puppo won’t know what to do with herself! We can’t wait to check out the Multi-Block Ice Carving Competition from Jan. 27-29, the Individual Ice Carving Competition on Jan. 30, and the Vulcan Victory Torchlight Parade on Feb. 5 (just a heads pup: there are fireworks at the end).

If doggo is more into retail therapy, check out Doggie Depot on Feb. 5 at St. Paul’s Union Depot for doga (dog yoga) and lots of great shopping with local vendors. Sniff out the full Winter Carnival events calendar here to plan your trip!

4. Winter Weekend Out, Owatonna

Located just one hour south of the Twin Cities, Owatonna’s Winter Weekend Out invites you to celebrate all things snow and ice with your family—smol fries and furry frens alike. Bundle up from Jan. 27-29, and enjoy Friday night sledding, an outdoor movie, an adult bocce ball tournament, ice skating, and ice fishing! Trust us when we say you’ll want to cozy up to the bonfires to keep your tail toasty all weekend long.

5. Bonspiel at Forgotten Star Brewing Co., Minneapolis

Last but not leash is Forgotten Star Brewery’s three-day block party happening Feb.18-20. Between the live music, DJs, curling competition, small business market, food trucks, and ice sculptures, those darn puppy eyes will be beggin’ to join in on the Bonspiel festivities. Whether you’ve got a pupsicle or a happy winter woofer, all doggos are welcome both inside and outside at Forgotten Star.

With all of these pup-friendly winter events and ice sculptures to see, you’ll have no time for hibernation this year! Just be sure to get that wintery OOTD (outfit of the day) in check before you head out the door.

What other events are on pup’s agendog this season? Woof at us in the comments, and tag #SidewalkDog in all your winter adventures.

Featured photo: About A Dog Photography

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, join our Dog-Friendly Twin Cities Facebook Group, and grab one of our Dog-Friendly Brewery Passes.


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