Dog Enrichment: Soda Bottle Feeders, Wrapped Gifts, and More

dog playing tug of war

Holiday breaks are coming, and the only plans you have are to veg out. Your dog, on the other paw, has other plans. After all, they say a bored dog is going to make his own fun. Give pup the gift of enrichment with these ideas!

Soda Bottle Feeder

There are plenty of versions of feeder toys on the market already like the Kong Wobbler or the Starmark Bob-A-Lot, but have you tried making one with something you already have at home? All you need is a plastic soda bottle: a 20-ounce or 2-liter will do. Put some of pupper’s favorite kibble and treats in the bottle and then let her figure out how to get those snacks out. We definitely recommend a hard plastic bottle just in case your dog is a little too motivated to get the treats. 

Wrapped Gifts

Every dog is a good dog, so you know they’re on Santa Paws’ nice list. Give your fluffer the gift of some wrapped up enrichment. Get out some wrapping paper, put some of their favorite munchies in there, and wrap the paper around it. They’ll be like a puppy on Christmas morning while they work on opening up their enrichment gift and snacking on those treats! 

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Tug of War

Unlike your middle school Field Day, everyone’s a winner in this game of Tug of War. Fido can sometimes be a sore loser, and if you win too often, he may take his rope and go home. Luckily, studies have shown that letting your dog win encourages them to play with you more often (and we’re no scientists, but probably makes you look more fun too)! Playing with your dog is a great way to strengthen your bond and help them get exercise. It’s also a good time to work on some commands like “drop it” or “relax,” especially if your dog is prone to getting rowdy or mouthy.


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