We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: if our dogs can’t come, we’re not going. And when it comes to date night, you bet we want our fuzzy chaperones front and center. We sniffed out 9 fun ideas for dating with dogs so pup can get in on the fun!
1. Check out a Farmers Market
Fresh food, local business, and tasty snacks? Sign doggo the pup up! Explore the best food and wares your area has to offer (and make sad puppy eyes for samples) at one of our favorite day dates. We have the skinny on dog-friendly ones in Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, and Seattle.
2. Go Stand Up Paddleboarding
Avast ye, landfluffers! Many stand up paddleboarding companies offer dog-friendly rentals. If your dog and your date are both active types, this date may just be the ticket to a lifetime of saying “SUP baby!”
3. Have a Picnic
Spare yourself the back-and-forth awkwardness about who’s paying for dinner (hint: not pup), and opt for a picnic in the park instead. And if your date wants to make a good impression on your bestie, they’ll definitely pack a barkuterie board.
4. Take a Hike
When your pal’s around, it’s always adventure time. Head to a local forest preserve, state park, or nature trail for an outdoorsy date full of conversation and woodland wonder. And don’t forget that tick collar! Ah, the great outdoors.
5. Visit a Dog-Friendly Brewery
Sometimes the best way to heat things up is to knock back a few cold ones with the good boys. Just don’t count on this one to be a portrait of romance since everyone in the place is going to keep interrupting your dog to pet her and tell her how cute she is.
6. Get Brunch
We love a brunch date. If you’re coupled up, it’s a great way to get out of the house so you and pup can couch for the rest of the day. And if you’re dating, it’s a wonderful way to do a (delicious) vibe check without having to spend the whole dang day together. That way if fren wants to dine and dash, it’s all [biscuits and] gravy.
7. See an Outdoor Movie
Nothing borks “date night” like a good old-fashioned movie. There are a few ways to get pup in on a little lights-camera-action. There are many drive-in theaters that are dog-friendly, and many cities put on their own outdoor movie night special events at parks. However, if neither of these is available in your area, you can always bring a laptop, tablet, or projector and make your own cinema under the stars!
8. Go on a Mural Photo Safari
See your city (and your date!) in a new light by bringing pupper on a photo safari. Not only will you get to check out some awesome street art and get loads of content for your dog’s accounts, but you’ll also get to check out your date’s photo skills. Because let’s be honest: pup doesn’t want you dating someone who isn’t gonna snap awesome pics of you on the reg.
9. Get Ice Cream
For some wholesome fun, end an evening with everyone’s favorite sweet treat. Many ice cream shops have dog-friendly patios, or you can always take your cone on a little stroll sure to delight your dog. Er, date.
What are your favorite spots for dating with dogs? Give us a howl in the comments and tag us in pup’s date night pics at #SidewalkDog!
Featured photo: Chewy
La misión de Sidewalk Dog es ayudar a los padres de perros a pasar más tiempo con sus cachorros descubriendo y compartiendo actividades que pueden hacer y lugares a los que pueden ir, ¡juntos! Eche un vistazo a nuestro galardonado boletín y Instagramy visítenos en Facebook y Twitter.