Having a Dog and Working 9-5: Separation Anxiety Tips for Humans

For some reason beyond our understanding, it appears that bosses believe we would like to come back to work. And if you’re anything like us, having a dog and working 9-5 is not your fantasy. After all this time together, you might even be right there with us in the “I have separation anxiety from my dog” club. Here are our tips for coping when you have to be apart.

Get a Camera

What better way to look busy at your desk than continuously watching your dog via webcam? The cameras of today are available at a variety of price points, so you can become the creeper you’re destined to be regardless of your budget. And if you have an old phone or tablet lying around, you can even repurpose it for pupper surveillance by using an app like Barkio.

Do Your Homework

Is there anyone who can conduct research, research, and more research like a pup parent with anxiety? We’re not saying becoming an expert on how to help your dog with *her* separation anxiety, products for separation anxiety, or puzzle toys will cure your separation anxiety. But knowing your pal is experiencing joy and stimulation in your absence might make you feel at least .2% better.

Consider Daycare Or A Dog Walker

The right daycare or dog walker can be loads of fun for your dog. But hear us out: they can also be your personal dog spy. Being able to check in on your dog’s daycare livestream, receive a report card detailing his every move, or get a text about how your fren’s day is going may just give you the pupdate you need to make it through another meeting that should have been an email.

Talk To The Dog Pros

Your pup’s vet knows a thing or two about dog (and pup parent!) behavior. Consult them about how to handle your transition and set the two of you up for success. They can help make sure you are the most prepared to be away for the day (so you can worry just a bit less).

Talk To The People Pros

If you are experiencing anxiety, it can make a world of difference to work with a pawfessional. Platforms like BetterHelp can make going to therapy a lot more accessible (and a lot of in-person therapist offices are dog-friendly, too!). And if you need something a bit more cost-effective, Open Path Collective is a site where you pay a one time fee of $59 to have access to a variety of human therapists for $30-60 a sesh. Take care of yourself, friends! 

Having a dog and working 9-5 can be ruff, but we hope these tips ease the transition. What tips do you have for being away from your dog all day? We’re all ears. And please doo share with anyone heading back to the office!

Featured photo: T.R Photography

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, then check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

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