3 Easy, Fun, and Homemade Outdoor Kennel Ideas for Your Pup

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There are two options for getting an outdoor dog kennel. One, of course, is to buy it online or in a store. For the second option, you’ll have to get your hands dirty. A DIY project will cost you less and has the added benefit of making something for your furry friend.

Dogs are man’s best friends. An outdoor dog kennel gives your dog the benefit of being outdoors, all while keeping him safe and comfortable. Do you have any idea how to build a safe house for your pup? Do not worry, we have you covered. Let’s take a look at 3 homemade outdoor dog kennel ideas.

Why Should You Build a Dog Kennel?

Pet parents do not want their pooches to poop on the carpet or chew on the couch. Yes, having a dog inside is great. Yet, there are situations when being outside is the best option.

Let’s say, for example, you have a hyperactive dog like a terrier, a pointer, or some herding breed. They need plenty of exercise. You cannot lock these dogs in the house or a crate all day.

You’ll need a place for them to run around. An yard, or an outdoor kennel can be the perfect place for them to find shelter, stretch their legs, chew on sticks and enjoy being outside…when the weather is right.

Important Factors to Consider

Any decision you make in your life comes down to certain factors and preferences. Think for a second about when you got your dog. You thought everything out, right? Well, let’s check the factors influencing your decision about an outdoor dog kennel.


Location, location, location. Same with real estate, location is crucial for building a kennel. Think about where you want to place it. Then you can look at the design. Location dictates materials, design, and how you connect the kennel to the rest of the space


An obvious factor is the size of your dog. The whole point of building a kennel is so that your pup can enjoy fresh air while being comfortable. If your dog feels restricted, the comfort aspect goes out of the window. Avoid a suffocating and stuffy kennel. You need a dog-run area for your pet to enjoy it.


Consider the weather and climate in your location. With so many different climate zones, you have to keep in mind the climate. Does it get too hot? Then, you have to provide a reliable shade. Do you live in a snowy area? If so, add proper insulation.


Let’s look at maintenance. Wooden kennels need regular treatment to prevent decay. Wire mesh kennels may rust over time. Concrete requires minimal maintenance.


If you focus on aesthetics, then, your best option is a wooden kennel. Yes, you can landscape a concrete kennel, but nothing comes close to a wooden kennel. You have options to add decor or carve it; whichever way suits you.


Last, but not least, consider the area surrounding the kennel. You can choose between gravel, rubber, wood, concrete, grass, dirt, or other materials.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at three homemade outdoor dog kennel ideas.

Option 1 – Turning Free Pallets into a Beautiful Dog House

As we mentioned earlier, wooden kennels beat everything in aesthetics. They have the lowest price as well. If you can find some free pallets, that’s even better.

Besides recycled pallets, you will also need basic tools like a jig saw, chop saw or hand saw, clamps, tape measure, screwdriver, glue, and screws.

How to build it?

  1. Start by gathering all the materials and preparing the building area
  2. Use a crowbar to remove all nails and screws from the pallets. You have to disassemble them before you can build the house
  3. Measure and cut the pallet wood into desired lengths for the side, back, front, and floor of the kennel
  4. Secure the wooden planks and form a sturdy base
  5. It is time to put the glue and screws to good use. Assemble the sides of the kennel by screwing and gluing pieces together
  6. Then, attach the back and front of the house to the sides
  7. Complete the roof by gluing and screwing pieces together. Attach the roof to the top

Once you assemble and complete the house, you can add finishing touches. For example, paint the house so that it fits with the appeal of your home.


  • Environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing


  • Wood is susceptible to decay, rot, and insect infestation. Not as durable as other materials

Option 2 – Build an Outdoor Dog Kennel on Concrete

Concrete requires minimal maintenance. You can clean with some water and that is it. Concrete is also the most durable material. If that is your option for an outdoor dog kennel, we have the perfect guide for you.

For a dog house on a concrete slab, you will need concrete slab, lodge kennels, galvanized anchors, hammer drill, regular drill, galvanized hanger strap, concrete screws, chicken wire, and plenty of time and effort to finish it.

How to do it?

1 Start by hiring a concrete company to pour in slab per your dimensions. If you know how to do flat work, you can do it yourself. But it is better to trust a concrete company to prepare the site for the dog kennel

  1. Wait for the concrete slab to cure for 24 hours
  2. Then, use galvanized anchors, hammer drill, and concrete screws to secure the kennels to the concrete slab
  3. If you like, you can add a dog house to the kennels. Or, you can add a dog bed. It depends on your budget, preference, and how comfortable you want your dog to be
  4. Add an inch of clean rock around the base of the slab to prevent erosion
  5. You can customize the kennels as you like, with heating pads, buckets for water, and more. Make sure to secure the buckets
  6. Finish by adding chicken wire or poultry netting to the roof of the kennel


  • Durable and long-lasting, easy to clean and sanitize


  • You might need a professional for installation. Expensive and offers little insulation

Option 3 – Build a Dog Kennel for Under $50

For the last outdoor dog house, let’s take a look at how you can build it using welded wire mesh and scrap wood.

Scrap wood and welded wire mesh are the basic materials. You will also need tools like a grinder, hammer, shovel, screws, nails, bamboo sticks, sand, and cement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Dog Kennel for Under $50

  1. Start by cutting the wire mesh into desired lengths you will use for the sides of the kennel
  2. Using the scrap wood, create a frame for each side
  3. Then, attach the wire mesh to the frames
  4. Connect the frames to form the kennel
  5. Next, create a level area for the kennel by adding sand and bricks to the bottom of the kennel. Build the roof with scrap wood and attach it to the top
  6. Add a door and finish by decorating the kennel with some charred wood and bamboo sticks


  • Easy to customize and adapt to different needs, provides good ventilation


  • Due to rust and deterioration, you need to provide regular maintenance. Provides limited protection from elements

You’ve set on a journey to build an area for your pet to run, play with toys, and feel the outdoors. We hope our ideas helped. The goal is to get your dog to enjoy the outdoor life in a safe and protected setting. Yes, the project might take a bit of planning, but the end result is worth the trouble.

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