Dog-Friendly Guide: What To Doo in Ballard

While you were lazily sleeping all night, Buddy was busy planning the perfect day in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. Wow, you’re lucky to have such a thoughtful pupper. He knows you struggle without him, so he made sure you could be together all day. We were going to ask around for ya, but it looks like your pup knows exactly what to do in Ballard.  

Dog-Friendly Ballard Breakfast

Fido finally got you out of the house; he’s starving. What’s for breakfast? Woofles! Salt & Sugar is a great first stop on your adventure in Ballard. Pup is welcome inside while you grab some fresh coffee and noms. All their drool-worthy treats are made in house, including their specialty waffles. Berry cobbler waffles? Sign us pup!  

Fairy Tails 

You’ve filled your tummies, now to pick up some books for puppy nap time later. Head into Secret Garden Bookstore; this indie bookstore has been open to the Ballard community for 40+ years. Sniff through rows of books and tales of treats. Their friendly staff specialize in children’s lit and doting on your wonderful woofer. 

Bone Appétit

You were caught in bookland longer than you thought, now tums are rumblin’. Grab lunch and a drink on Barking Dog Alehouse’s heated dog-friendly patio. It’s lucky you brought pup; woof else could help you through the duck tacos, Bahn mi sliders, and a pizza? Though Bud can’t believe you got a pilsner; he’s an IPA fan (Infinite Pup Appreciation). 

Runnin’ Paws

Fifi said you couldn’t keep up at Golden Gardens Off-Leash Area, so she picked this next stop to pick up your pace. Fleet Feet is Ballard’s ode to running; get yourself into the perfect gear to keep up with pup. While you fall in love with new shoes, the friendly staff’ll be falling for Fifi. 


Fresh coffee smells are the only way to get that new shoe smell outta yo snoot. Doggo figured you’d need a pick-me-up. At La Copa Cafe, locally roasted and ethically sourced coffee is the star of the show (that is when the floof isn’t in the store). Puppo loves coming inside to meet all the friendly staff. Grab a puppaccino and some of La Copa’s v tasty goodies; fren can hold ’em if you’re not hungry. 

Muttgarita Time 

Pup seems pretty wired after that coffee. He deserves a little runaround, and you deserve a drink. At Dog Yard Bar 21+ patrons can enjoy a bevy while smol fry gets his social on. The Mastiff park has more room and friends than pup could ever dream. Be sure to check out Dog Yard’s  Park Rules (and make a profile for pup) so you and doggy can get lit responsibly.

After your wild day, we’re glad doggo has a leash to guide you home. Pup is pooped! Success! We can’t believe your dog planned that whole day just for him…we mean you! He planned it for you. Gosh you’re lucky! If anyone asks about Ballard, we’ll send ’em to Buddy. He’s the expert on what to do in Ballard, fur sure. 

Does your dog have a fav spot in Ballard? Howl at us in the comments and pawlease tag us in all your adventures with #SidewalkDog!

Featured photo: Ra Dragon

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagram, then join our Dog-Friendly Seattle Facebook Group.


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