7 Tips for RVing with Dogs

Editor’s Note: H*ckin’ COVID has given us a new normal. Give your campground a call to confirm their most pup-to-date details and dog-friendly guidelines!

We may all be going a bit stir crazy right now (your pup included!), but they don’t call these the dog days of summer for nothin’. After the last few months inside, now is the perfect time to explore the great outdoors (or at least any space that isn’t your apartment). And we’re encouraging all you Sidewalk Doggers to hit the road in *style* with our $1,200 RV vacay giveaway!

With restrictions, safety concerns, and of course Fido’s high standards of comfort, one of the best ways to travel with your furry roommate is with an RV! Here are some tips from expert RV-ers to make sure you’re both happy campers in your camper. 

  1. Know your destination. It’d be a real party foul to pick a destination that doesn’t welcome your dog! Some RV parks may have pet restrictions such as the number of animals, breeds or size. Pick a destination that your dog can enjoy too; if she prefers the company of you and nature (and not any other pesky pups!), find a site that’s less pup-ular to park your camper.
  2. Prepare and acclimate. Just like moving into a new home, dogs need some time to get used to their home on wheels. Take a test run in your RV before your actual departure – go for a few test runs like a spin around the block or a night in the RV in your driveway to make sure they’re able to get comfortable.
  3. Be ready for accidents. Illnesses or injuries won’t wait just because you’re on vacation. Make sure you have your dog’s medical records, proof of recent vaccinations and if needed, enough meds for their trip. Have an idea of how to contact and get to the vet nearest to your RV site. And just in case Spot decides to go rogue and explore where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play without you, be sure they have up to date tags and microchips. For the pup parent that lives by the Boy Scout motto of “Be prepared,” be sure to have a recent photo of your dog you can use if their adventure turns into an extended trip away from you. 
  4. Secure the fur! While a RV may feel like home on wheels, it’s still a vehicle. Make sure your pup’s safe when you’re in motion; crates or dog seat belts are both great options. 
  5. Make your RV feel like home. Pups aren’t immune to a little homesickness, even if you’re on the adventure of a lifetime. Don’t forget to pack a few of their favorites: food, treats, toys and even blankies, so there’s a little bit of familiarity even as your view changes every day. 
  6. Have a way to monitor your pup.  After all of quarantine together, it’s okay to have a little time apart from your dog (he missed his midday naps when you were in the office!). While they’re definitely independent puppies, lean in to your anxious dog parent side and monitor your pet. Whether it’s a video feed, alerts or temperature monitor, have a way to check in while you’re out. Here’s a tip: keep a thermometer in the shot of your video feeds.
  7. Keep a routine. Ok, so it’s probably already a bit wild to your pup that you’re living in a house on wheels, but understand that your dog can be a creature of habit. Maintain their potty schedule (and don’t forget to clean up and leave no trace) and feeding time. Also, make sure you keep your athletic endeavors to something they’re comfortable with and are physically capable of handling.

Where would your pup love to RV? Woof at us in the comments! And don’t furget to enter to win a $1,200 RV vacay!

Sidewalk Dog’s mission is to help dog parents spend more time with their puppers by discovering and sharing activities they can do and places they can go—together! Sniff out our award-winning newsletter and Instagramthen check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

(Photo by Cruise America)


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