6 Puppy Parenting Tips from Expert Veterinarians

dog at vet

So, you’ve got a puppy. Now what?

A lot is happening behind those adorable pebble eyes in the shape of a four-legged bundle of fluff. It’s only logical for you to feel overwhelmed at first. A puppy brings home much more than sheer joy and an energetic drive to experience the world around them. 

You see them eagerly bouncing behind a ball, slipping about on their fluffy feet, and sticking their snout wherever puppy possible. 

You’re given countless pieces of advice from well-meaning people whose experience is subjective and who may bring more confusion, as no two dogs are the same. 

Suddenly, you’re buying new toys, googling how often dogs should sleep, what’s the best tone to say, “Puppy, no!”

Ah!! But you come across a video on TikTok from the excellent vet team at the Upper Canada Hospital @ucahteam, and suddenly, being a new puppy mom or dad makes perfect sense. 


The tips from this experienced group of young vets are hassle-free. Based on their experience attending dogs from all four-legged walks of life, they’re spot-on. The best part is that they’re straightforward to follow.

And not only that, these excellent tips help YOU, making your life easier when taking your furry one to the vet.

1. Get them used to getting their paws rubbed.

The first tip is to desensitize your puppy’s paws. We love touching and grabbing those cute dog paws, but dogs are a bit sensitive about their feet.

There are many reasons why dogs don’t like having their paws touched, but, in a nutshell, dogs have sensitive nerve endings around their feet that act as a protective layer. This skin protects them from extreme temperatures, so they’re very touchy about them.

But the good news is that they can get used to a human touching their paws. We can desensitize our puppy’s nerve cells by touching their feet early, making future visits to the dog nail salon a breeze. 

The benefits aren’t limited to hassle-free nail trimmings; dogs can often get medical conditions that require paw checking: parasites, infections, and wounds.

2. Get them desensitized to loud noises

The second tip is fascinating; it involves getting your puppies used to loud noises by playing YouTube videos.

It’s well-known that dogs get incredibly anxious with loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms. This behavior makes us, pet owners, nervous about our furry babies spending a terrible time during thunderstorms and popular celebrations such as New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July.

Though this fear is not necessarily present in all dogs, it certainly is for many. And some dogs can even develop a condition known as Noise Phobia.

But today, you can desensitize your dog’s ears by softly playing videos from YouTube or TikTok.

Getting your dog used to loud noises with exposure is a gradual procedure mainly involving having your pooch associate these loud and disruptive noises with positive and reassuring feelings. That way, when they hear a sound like thunder or fireworks, they think of something positive, like spending time with you.

All you have to do is to choose your favorite free video streaming source to play videos for them or download sound effects. Make sure that the volume is low, that you do this indoors and that your dog can leave the room if he wants to. 

3. Get them used to getting their ears touched

The third tip is related to the first and second: getting your dogs used to humans touching their ears. Much like the first tip, this one is about getting your puppy used to being examined by their vet. 

Puppies have a lot of nerve cells in their ears that might make them defensive to the touch. But if you softly rub your puppy’s ears, they can get used to having probing fingers near them. 

Just like the vet in the TikTok video says it’s very useful for future ear examinations and if the dog needs to get ear meds. 

4. Socialice them from an early age

The fourth tip is all about socialization. But it’s pretty simple and hassle-free: get your puppy used to being around all sorts of people, kids, men, and women. The best moment to do this is when they’re puppies, since it’s at this time when they’ll best learn how to be around people.

Your puppy will spend much time with you and the people you love. They must get used to being around all humans, ages 0 to 100. As you share family reunions with them, you’ll want them to get along with their aunts, uncles, and fidgety little cousins.  

5. Get them used to getting their mouth touched

The fifth tip is about their mouth. It doesn’t take much scientific research to discover why dogs don’t like getting their mouths touched. However, it’s important that they get used to this situation. Tooth care is essential for a dog’s healthy life, as dog dental disease is common and entirely preventable. 

Over time, plaque can build up in your dog’s teeth, and this can cause costly visits to the vet that can be diminished simply by keeping your pooch’s dentals up to date. 

If your dog is used to having their teeth touched, your vet odontologists will be thankful. 

6. Puppy socials

Lastly, a tip that is often overlooked: puppy socials! As we bring our adorable puppies into our lives, we may not be aware of how odd our habits and behaviors may seem to them. Puppy socials are a great way to teach socialization skills to our puppies, get them used to being around people and other dogs, and start getting a grip on how we relate to one another. 

Puppy socials aren’t difficult to schedule social meetings between puppies (though some of us would love to attend one!). Puppy socials are just a way of saying “puppy socialization,” which involves exposing your puppy to social situations where they’ll be with other people.

Taking your dog to a dog-friendly coffee shop, for example, could be a nice idea. Somewhere where he or she will see other people and be by your side at the same time (don’t leave your dog unattended).

You don’t need to take your puppy everywhere; you shouldn’t overdo it. Some dogs may feel overwhelmed if exposed to too many social experiences. Ensure you observe your puppy’s reactions and what they are up for. 

Training your new puppies is easy and will save you time and money.

There are numerous ways to train your new puppy; they don’t need to be complicated. You will find that small actions that become long-term habits can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle and will go a long way. 

A puppy brings to your life countless experiences and opportunities to learn. As you look into your new best friend’s eyes, you know you’re in it for a ride. You can also be sure that this new furry little gal or fellow will make your life so much brighter.

The vet team at the Upper Canada Animal hospital @ucahteam did a great job with their 

TikTok video on their tips for new puppy owners!

  1. I appreciate that it covers essential topics, such as desensitizing puppies to paw and ear touching, familiarizing them with loud noises, promoting socialization from a young age, and introducing mouth touching for dental care. These practical tips are easy to implement and can significantly contribute to a puppy’s well-being and a smoother transition into pet parenthood.

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